
I am the Prodigal Son.

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Though I should be asleep, because I have to be awake in a few hours, I decided I would rather write about the way Jesus spoke to me earlier today. This song, The Prodigal Son by Daniel Crawford, really moved me today. (For some reason it wouldn't let me attach the video, so just click the link if you'd like to listen.)

I know a lot of us have heard the parable of the prodigal son many times, but if you haven't it's a story from Luke 15, about a son who didn't want to wait for his father to die before he got his inheritance. So he asked his father if he could have it early and his father agreed. The son went off and blew all of his money, and then ended up with nothing at all. He wanted to go back home and be a servant for his father, realizing that even the servants had more than he had. When he arrived home his father was so happy to have his son back, so he threw a huge party for him. I remember one of the first times I actually sat down and read this story, I thought about how selfish the son was and how underserving he was when he returned home. I knew that parable was a representation of God's love, but it never really moved me this same way that it did today.

I came across this song on a random playlist on Spotify. I automatically loved it and of course I listened to it on repeat a few times, because that's what I do when I find a new song that I really like. The more I listened to it, the more it moved something in my heart. I started to feel like this song was written by God especially for me. I could feel so much love with each word in the song and it brought tears to my eyes, making me realize that I am that selfish child in the parable I've read so many times. Too often, I have asked God for something and once I felt content with what I had I stopped seeking after Him. I decided I was perfectly well-off on my own, I didn't need to continue to pray or grow in my relationship with Him. It never takes long for me to figure out how wrong I am, and when I do realize I am filled with shame and afraid to go back. But all along He is waiting for me to come back to Him. I am His child and as much as I might disappoint Him, God never wants me anywhere else but walking alongside of Him.

When the son returned home his father said:
"Quick! Bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him. Get a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet. And kill the calf we have been fattening. We must celebrate with a feast, for this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life. He was lost, but now he is found." (Luke 15:22-24)
This is only a small representation of God's love for us. How amazing is that?

If your feeling like the prodigal son- lost and afraid to go home, I challenge you to say a simple prayer asking God if you can return to Him. I promise, He's already begun planning a celebration before you've said the first word.

You are loved by God, and will be forever loved by Him because YOU are HIS.

With Love,

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